Part of my son's bedtime routine includes bedtime hugs. His bed is a loft-style bed, so he often gets to choose if we do hugs on the floor before he climbs the ladder or from his bed after he climbs up.
Yesterday, I was able to finally return to the gym after over a week and a half off, and I did back-to-back Zumba and kickboxing (I love kickboxing!). Anyway, last night's class included a lot of squats, which isn't normally a problem, but I hadn't done any in a while, so my body was feeling it a little bit.
Okay, so back to last night. My son chose to have hugs on the floor, but due to the squats, it wasn't the most comfortable for me. He asked why, so I said it was because I did too many squats at Northgate. He asked what a squat was, so my husband and I explained and demonstrated. This is what happened next:
Murphy: So, you had to get down low to the ground to do squats?
Us: Yes...
Murphy: And Mommy spent a lot of time down low doing squats?
Us: Yes...
Murphy: But, I thought Mommy liked having "down" time. *smirks*
Do you get it? Downtime (relaxing time) down time (time low to the ground, down)
There is some wordplay I hadn't expected from a four-year-old! His verbal skills amaze me daily.
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