Tuesday, January 12, 2016

No Capes

We've talked about Culture quite a bit in the class and the things that make a culture, like uniforms, jargon, traditions, and beliefs.  While watching The Incredibles this past weekend, I realized the super heroes in the movie are one culture while trying to live undiscovered in normal, American life was another culture.  In this clip you see examples of both jargon and uniforms.  You also see some paralanguage with the phrase: No Capes!


My son is a big fan of Teen Titans Go! One of my favorite episodes (yes, I like the show, too) uses a lot of silence as well a paralanguage (especially volume) to send interpersonal messages.  The silence creates tension for some, while it brings comfort to others (Raven).  In Chapter 6, we talked quite a bit about the messages silence can send.  One character in this episode is a whisper, and the lower volume sends messages and sets a mood for this episode that is different from other episodes, connecting to our studies of nonverbal communication.

Here is a clip from the episode, although it isn't the full episode:

Silent Movie Teen Titans Go!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Too much? Not enough? What are your thoughts.

I realized in class yesterday that I use a lot of self-disclosure in Interpersonal Communication compared to my other classes.  I think it's important that this class in particular gets to know me beyond just the teacher leading the class; I think that's why I am more willing to share more about my life outside of the classroom in this class. As we derailed talking about my Christmas presents yesterday, it was hard not to wonder if sometimes it's too self-disclosure much?  What do you think?