Thursday, February 26, 2015

Amazing Race Awkwardness

I am  HUGE fan of Amazing Race.  My husband and I have enjoyed watching almost every season together (I missed the first two or three seasons). While we watch, we build a travel bucket list of places we want to go, see, and/or experience some day. When the teams have to do individual challenges, we decide which one of us would be the best fit for each. It's really fun for us to imagine and dream. We've joked about applying to the show someday, and maybe someday we will...

The season that started last night is unique because about half of the teams are on a "blind date;" the people had never met before that day!  One of the teams had a really hard time clicking.  The guy is a doctor, and the girl is a tiny light blonde with a tinier voice, and she talks A LOT!  The doctor's nonverbal communication was hilarious; he clearly was not enjoying the company of his partner, who was completely playing out the stereotype of a young blonde woman. I actually laughed out loud while observing the doctor's obvious discomfort! I turned to my husband and one point and said, "I really wish she could take her voice down an octave or two." His response: so does he!

Eventually, the team seemed to find their groove and work well together.  They learned that she was much better with directions and was much smarter than she first appeared. This goes to show that you should never judge a person based on first impressions and that not all stereotypes are true.

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