Thursday, January 2, 2014

Horns? Horns. Horns!

The English language can be so ambiguous. My son taught me this after seeing Frozen over break. We were talking about Sven, the reindeer. 
We were talking about his big "horns" (antlers) and other animals that have horns like deer, moose, etc.  Then, my son looked at me and asked if I knew why they had horns. I paused for a moment to sculpt my answer.  Before I could get a word out, my son looked at me and said,"So they can get people out of their way. Honk! Honk! Beep!"  I couldn't hold back my laughter. What a great example of an ambiguous word. I learn so much from my three-year-old. 


  1. That is one way to look at it. I would never have thought of Svens antlers knocking people out of the way. He seems like to much of a softy!

  2. Ha! That's great! I would have never thought of it that way and just have to point out that Frozen was a brilliant movie!

  3. I was really impressed by Frozen as well. I'm a little bummed it doesn't come up on DVD/Blu Ray until after my birthday.

  4. Haha, that is awesome. I was absolutely opposed to seeing Frozen until one day when my mom practically made me go because she was in ah by it. Turns out, I LOVED it. I cannot stop signing the "Snowman" song. Your son seems very adorable by the way. :)

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