Thursday, September 20, 2012

An example of perception gone wrong

Yesterday, I observed a pretty good example of were perceptions, and lack of self-awareness, can make all the differences. 

One one side of a situation, we have an individual (we'll call her "Grace").  "Grace" is higher up in a small corporation and assists in making decisions based on who moves up the scale to higher-paid positions.  On the other side of this situation, we have another individual (we'll call her "Alyssa").  "Alyssa" has been working at this corporation for over three years and is currently furthering her education in this field.  It was announced recently that there will be a new opening at this corporation, one that is on "Grace's" level and is a step up for "Alyssa."  "Alyssa" is pretty sure she has the position, and she will be quite offended if she doesn't get it. She feels that since she has been working at this business for quite some time, is good at what she does,  and is currently completing a Masters in this field of study, then she should be the clear choice for the position.  "Grace," on the other hand, shares a very different view of "Alyssa."  "Grace," and others that work with "Grace," feel that "Alyssa" has a some room for growth in the field and has become a bit overconfident since working on her Masters.  Lately, "Alyssa" has overstepped some of her boundaries of authority by correcting some of the procedures of her colleagues.  In this sense, "Alyssa's" knowledge of herself and her self-awareness is a bit off compared to how others see her.  Due to this, she is hurt and doesn't understand why she isn't be as heavily considered for the new positions as others who are applying. 

This just goes to show how important it really is to seek out information regarding what others think of you to further your self-awareness and avoid false perceptions.

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