Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gender roles and gender toys

I saw this picture on a friend's Facebook page earlier this week.  It really says a lot about some people's ideas of gender roles, even at a really early age.  There is this idea that only girls can play with baby dolls and Barbies, and boys should be playing with cars, tools, sports' balls, and even guns (Nerf for example).  My dad would back this up 100%.  If he ever saw my son wearing pink, I'm sure he would ask him to have his clothes changed.  I'm not that way, though. The way I see it, if my son is happy, then I am happy, too.  Maybe it is a generational thing...

 I've seen pictures of my son at daycare dressed in glittery, frilly dresses, and I've seen him covered in dirt while playing with dump trucks outside.  I feel that children shouldn't be subjected to these gender roles at such a young age. They'll get it enough when they are older; they should maintain their innocence as long as they can...

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