Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Up or down?

Yesterday I was chatting with a teacher in the media center about the impending wintery weather.  We both commute from Rochester, so we were talking about how there seems to be a magical line between Byron and Kasson where the roads go from okay to crappy.  She was sharing that her husband was driving the two of them to Kasson recently, and when she approached that "magical line," she insisted her husband "slow up."  When I was sharing how I had driving to Mantorville for a birthday party recently, I said that I made sure to "slow down" when I got to that line.

 Later on it occurred to me how awkward "slow up" sounded to me.  Our verbal language is very fascinating. It is crazy how the same message can be relayed using such a variety of different word and word combinations.

Image source: http://www.slowup-ticino.ch/interna.asp?idarticolo=20530

Image source: http://www.amazon.com/Yellow-Plastic-Reflective-Sign-12/dp/B0055DOSK0

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