Thursday, October 26, 2017

Misread nonverbals

After completing Chapter 6, you might think I spend too much time analyzing gestures and other body movement. If I am, I'm not the only one. Check out what happened after this picture of Prince Harry and Melania Trump hit social media. From experts to internet trolls, everyone had an opinion of what Prince Henry's strange hand placement meant.

Article on Prince Henry's strange hand placement/gesture

Friday, October 13, 2017

Baby Faces

I find it fascinating how early babies can express their thoughts, feelings, and emotions compared to when they start developing words. My daughter is on the cusp of speech, so it's an especially interesting time to see her nonverbals develop along with her verbals.  Although this isn't my baby, this picture does a great job of illustrating the many faces of a baby.

Power of Nonverbals

I will never forget our final good-bye to my father-in-law. It was the most beautiful fall late morning. We were surrounding his grave in a horseshoe shape, his closest family members and friends. The 21 gun salute veterans were a few yards away.  I looked around at the different expresses our family members held: everything from smiles to sobs. My mother-in-law was all smiles, a smile of pride especially when she was handed the folded flag in honor of her husband's years of service.  I was amazed by both the spectrum of emotions being displayed as well as those who were willing to show their feelings openly versus those who kept their feelings masked. Nonverbal messages can be so powerful.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Hiding the Intrapersonal Communication

I LOVE Homecoming! The dress-up days, the KoMet Pride everywhere, the fun activities, the parade...I love it all.  Although I still love it, today's Homecoming Friday had an unexpected twist.  While I was waving during the parade, my husband had been repeatedly calling me; I had no clue. Towards the end of advisory, we were able to connect. My father-in-law, the man who always greeted me with a huge smile and taught me to polka over 19 years ago, passed away this morning. His health has been on the decline for the past couple of weeks due to heart failure, but I didn't think the last time I saw him on Wednesday would be the last.  I put on my sunglasses, I did my best during the staff dance, I laughed and smiled during the rest of the pepfest, but inside I was a mess. My intrapersonal communication was asking why, sorting out what I knew and didn't know yet, was wondering how my husband was doing, but none of that was showing on the outside, I hope.  My nonverbal communication was not matching my intrapersonal messages at all.