Thursday, March 15, 2018

"Use your words..."

I can't deny the power of nonverbal communication; it's often far more powerful or important than verbal communication, but I also can't deny the power of using words.  As my son was growing up, we often would remind him of that phrase. Sometimes noises and whining just can't make things happen, but using words to clearly communicate what your needs are can.  When Gretchen G. came to speak to us this week, she used the phrase "Use your words" quite a few times, and I couldn't help but think of using the phrase with my son and how I've just started using it for my daughter; the cycle is beginning all over again.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

"You've Got....A Friend in Me" Psycholocial Noise

I love the movie You've Got Mail. I've seen it more times than I can count since the first time in the theater with my high school boyfriend, now husband.  I'm well aware of who the actors and actresses are as well as the characters, but no matter how many times I've seen it, there's only one face I can imagine when Joe Fox does his voice overs and intrapersonal communication,  and it's not Tom Hanks.  Whenever I hear the voice of Tom Hanks, no matter what movie or character, this is all I can picture: