Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Interpersonal Communication in Action

Last night was parent-teacher conferences.  As the night progressed, I was a bit surprised by how many of the concepts we have discussed this quarter were put into action.  Over the course of the evening, I was an active listener to both parents and students, I used empathy with parents, I witnessed a few examples of self-disclosure, I witnessed varying perspectives between parents and their children (some in attendance, some not), and I was reading a large variety of nonverbal communication cues, both positive and negative.  I also used quite a few purr words when appropriate, but I didn't use any snarl words!  It was really interesting to look back and reflect on the communication that occurred over those three hours, and I'm very satisfied with how things went. 

Source: http://blogs.besd.net/jamie-kent/2010/10/17/dont-forget-parent-teacher-conferences/

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