Monday, November 26, 2012

Camo Culture Gift Ideas

On Thanksgiving, my husband's family decided it was time to draw names for Christmas gifts.  Instead of buying gifts this year, we are supposed to make them.  I knew this a while ago, so I've been pinning things on Pinterest as I came across ideas that would work for some of my in-laws.  Most of these gifts I pinned worked well for my sister-in-laws and my brother-in-laws. I didn't really think I'd end up pulling a nephew's name, which is exactly what I did.  This nephew has only a few interests: Monster energy drinks, hunting, and hunting (yes, I put that on there twice for a reason).  This is a culture I know very little about.  When I think of hunting, I think of cold mornings, long hours of sitting, and camouflage clothing.   I know there is more to this culture, but this is what I know about it.

This is where I turn to you: readers who may be a part of this culture or understand it better than me.  Some ideas I have come up with for things I could make include fleece scarf, duct tape tote bag, munchie mixes and cookies.  What might I be missing? 

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