Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Coffee Confession

Today was the first day of second quarter's Interpersonal Communication class.  We completed the same verbal/nonverbal tennis ball activity as last quarter and with similar instructions. Before starting, though, everyone had to share his/her name and something about his/her day so far.  I shared that I had some delicious buttered rum (flavored) coffee this morning.  I realized, based on the facial expressions and snickers by some, that not everyone was aware of what buttered rum was/is.  I realized that the way students perceived me may have changed, and not for the better.  Later in class I brought up the situation and clarified that there was no rum or alcohol in buttered rum flavored coffee; buttered rum flavoring is much like butterscotch, but just a little richer.  There were a few students who nodded in agreement, but it was clear to me that a handful of students had never heard of it before.  What a first impression I must of made to those who thought I would actually put rum in my morning coffee!  It really makes me wonder what perception students have of me...

Image courtesy of: http://www.candyfavorites.com/candy/mints-and-breath-fresheners/lifesavers

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