Monday, February 3, 2014

Puppy Love


I have to admit, I didn't really watch much of the Super Bowl game. That is partly because we were hosting, so I was grilling dinner, but that I also didn't really care much about the teams  playing this year.  I did, however, stop what I was doing or request the TV be paused for me each time commercials were on.  I had a few favorite commercials (Puppy Love, Doberhuaua, Sixth Sense, and The 80s Called).  I realized at the end of the "Puppy Love" commercial that not a single word was spoken; all communication was done nonverbally.  How awesome is that?  So much was said through facial expressions and body language of both animals and humans that no speaking was necessary.  If you aren't sure what commercial I am referencing, here's the link:

Puppy love

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