Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Getting Direct

First of all, I have to point I have an older vehicle, and with all Minnesota vehicles this time of year, it seems to take a little bit of a beating.  My vehicles seems to be rebelling a little bit.  Not too long ago, the left turn signal went out, and I asked if my husband could fix it some soon when he had the time, which was rather indirect.  Then the right headlight went out (it came back after hitting a ice-made pot hole, but then went back off again when the temps dropped recently).  I asked if when he fixed the blinker, if he could fix the headlight.  Again, this was rather indirect.  When driving to work this morning, my front blower went out!  That was the last straw for me.  I sent an email to my husband saying that this Saturday he would need to either fix my vehicle or call someone who would, finally getting direct in my communication.  He responded with an email clarifying what needed to be done before calling to make an appointment.  In this case, I wish I would have just been direct from the beginning. 


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