Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Little Gentleman

I am not exactly sure where little ones learn things like manners and gender roles.  I am sure it is a combination of what they observe at home, in public, on television, etc.  What is even more interesting to me is watching my one little guy figure this stuff all out.  Today was a bit out of routine in our house.  Our normal daycare is closed for a week due to someone getting surgery.  I don't have a back-up daycare, and little man's grandparents aren't available.  Luckily, my niece runs a daycare; it is just a bit of a drive from Kasson and my home in Rochester.  That's where he is today and tomorrow at least. 

Anyway, I sent a message at lunch asking how things were going.  I learned that my little guy is being quite polite and honest, which is great! He is holding the bathroom door open for a particular little girl at daycare and closing it for her, too.  He has also gone out of his way to help the other kiddos over the course of the day and is "using his words" well.  He's growing up so fast...

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