Friday, January 30, 2015

Not a Soccer-mom!

This past week I experienced a big change in cultural connections. Most of my adult life, I have considered myself a "truck" girl.  I enjoy driving trucks, riding in trucks, the power of trucks, the usefulness of trucks, all of that. Since trucks aren't really the most appropriate for my family, I've opted for a Dodge Durango; my last two vehicles were Durangos.  Two Fridays ago, though, I was forced to change that.  My more recent Durango met its, well her (I name all my vehicles), untimely end.  We were in a crunch to get a new vehicle fast, and although I've said I would never drive a minivan, I caved.  There was one in my price range with impressively lower gas mileage.  Although it was really hard for me, I swallowed my pride, and I went for it.  I bought a minivan, a Kia Sedona.

In chapter 2 we will talk about culture as well as judging other cultures unfairly.  I judged the minivan-driving crowd a bit to harshly and realized that not everyone who drives a minivan has to fit the soccer-mom stereotype. Driving a minivan isn't so bad, but I'm sure you'll see me back in a Durango or truck with an extended or full cab again...someday.


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