Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I first saw this (extended) commercial late last summer or early last fall, and I have to admit that I loved it.  I remember sharing it on Facebook and even Facebook Messaging it to a few of my nearest and dearest ladies.  I think it says A LOT about gender in American culture.  I've never been a girly-girl.  I grew up in a neighborhood of mostly boys where climbing the tree fastest or hitting the all farthest earned a kid a lot of street cred, literally.  I was much like Scout Finch where I took being called a girl an insult. Looking back, I think it's kind of sad that American culture has deemed gender as an element of strength and talent, especially athletic talent.  I have to admit that now, as an adult, when I am running a competitive race, and I pass a male running (especially if I am pushing my son in our B.O.B. stroller), I smirk on the outside and cheer on the inside.  Why is being passed by a girl a bad thing? And passing a man a good thing?  I think our culture needs to really reevaluate this idea, don't you? Every change has to start somewhere.

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