Tuesday, May 12, 2015


My mind has been a little distracted the last couple of days, and not just by my 4th quarter stresses (grading, Baccalaureate, senior trip planning, graduation planning, packing my room...), but by an earworm.

Definition from Wikipedia: An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm,[1] is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person's mind after it is no longer playing.

source: http://theskinnyon.typepad.com/.a/6a01348010bbb6970c01543592fdcc970c-800wi

 It isn't abnormal for me to have a song in my head; that's pretty typical. What isn't normal is that it has been the same song since Sunday afternoon. It just plays on repeat in my brain! I find myself humming it, bopping my head to it, and even absent-mindedly writing it's lyrics on students' journal comments rather than the intended note! 

This is a pretty serious case of psychological noise!

Now, in case you were wondering what song it is, or maybe you are looking to have your own earworm, here you go:


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