Friday, March 18, 2016

Wearin' the Green

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day.  It's our families tradition to get all decked out in green and watch the St. Patrick's Day Parade at noon in St. Paul.  This is a tradition we treasure and enjoy. Every year is a little different, especially the weather, but there are things that keep it consistent, too.  This year, after our annual walk to Candyland to load up on some sweets, we ran some errands. One of those was to my favorite spice shop, Penzeys, which is in Apple Valley, not St. Paul. When I walked into the store, the woman working gave me a double take. Then, she commented that, "Oh yeah! It's St. Patrick's Day, isn't it."  You see, in St. Paul, it was completely normally to be dressed up for the holiday, even expected, but in this small store in Apple Valley, it was unexpected. This is an example of differing cultures.

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