Wednesday, April 20, 2016

ACT in my room

Yesterday, I proctored the ACT test in my room. During the testing, I was observing all kinds of nonverbal communication. I could tell how students were feeling based on their facial expressions, gestures, and general body language. I could tell when they were about to fall asleep, when they were confident, when they were frustrated, when they were confused or clueless, and when they were excited to be done! All this was done without a single word, or even sound, uttered. Nonverbal communication is really fascinating to me.


  1. Nonverbal communication fascinates me also. It amazes me that we can communicate. With no words at all. I see this with my friend Jessica all the time. I can tell, when no one else can, if she's mad, sad, hungry, happy, frustrated, or pretty much anything else. Most of the time. I'll hug her and ask if she's ok. She usually just brushed it off and says "yeah. I'm fine", but I know that fine doesn't mean fine. So I push it till she tells me and I know it makes her feel better. It makes me feel better. She knows I love her to death. And I'd do anything for her. She's my best friend. She's amazing.(off on a tangent) but I agree. Nonverbal communication is amazing.

    1. She's really lucky to have you as such a close friend.

    2. She's really lucky to have you as such a close friend.

  2. I remember the ACT. Yes, I could tell very easily who was about to fall asleep, because he did, and he was snoring. Also, I could tell he had no idea what was happening because of his little shut eye because he had looked around him to make sure we were still there and that he was on the right section. Some things I observe non-verbally makes me laugh too myself.

  3. The ACT test is a stressful time for all of us. It's tough to not talk for that long of a period. I think that is why our body resorts to Non-Verbal communication to express ourselves.
