Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today in class we played an abstract version of Musical Chairs to practice self-disclosure. The point of the activity was to give students a chance to share about themselves while at the same time learning about their classmates.  The desks were arranged in a circle-like shape that was one desk short of the number of students in the room.  One student stood in the middle and shared something about him/her self.  If anyone seated shared that same feeling, experience, or trait, he/she had to move at least two desks away. Who ever was left was the next to share.  This was a really fun activity to observe. I learned some things about students in the class, and was even surprised by some of the results! 

I'm hoping the activity reminded everyone how it is equally important to share and listen in any type of relationship.  You need to take turns being the one who is sharing (self-disclosing).  If one person does all the sharing, then the relationship becomes one-sided and doesn't grow. 

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