Thursday, December 6, 2012

Internet Pet Peeves

Since we've been working on verbal communication all week, I thought this would be a great time to talk about my pet peeves when reading things on the Internet, especially on Facebook.  These are in no particular order.  

One of my pet peeves has to do with writing in all caps.  My cousin and his wife both have this terrible habit.  Sometimes I avoid reading their status updates or comments on my postings because I don't feel like being shouted at.  Honestly, I know that they don't mean for me to read there messages that way, but when I do read it, I can hear their particular voices shouting every single word, and it drives me crazy.  Another pet peeve I have with internet postings has to do with grammatical and spelling errors.  For example, last night alone I read one of my other cousin's postings sharing that her husband's lab results came back "canser free."  Another cousin (yes, I have a lot of cousins) posted that his "babies due in January" even though his wife is only having one baby.  A friend I graduated high school with used the wrong "there" twice in the same status updated.  Ugh!  A third pet peeve I have has to do with the over use of emoticons and exclamation points.  Not everything can be that happy and exciting...all of the time, unless, of course, you are Flo from the Progressive commercials. Then, maybe, it is.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you, these drive me up a wall when I'm talking with other people on the internet. My least favorite thing, is when people just post what ever comes to thier mind, thinking that there are no after effects.
