Friday, December 14, 2012

Students and Gender Roles

I've been struggling with a nasty cold lately and decided to stay home yesterday and rest, with hopes of kicking it. Although I am feeling quite a bit better, I'm not sounding much better.  Feeling better is good, but I sure hope I have my voice back soon.   I have Murphy's second birthday party tomorrow!

Anyway, in looking over my sub notes, a colleague wrote,

"I don’t want this to sound sexist, but in general the girls worked really hard and the boys did not (with a  few exceptions)"

Since this is based on observation, I don't really think it is sexist; although, it may be a little stereotypical.  Do you think it is a gender role?  What do you see in other classes?  Is this the "norm" or not so much?


  1. I think it can be normal at times. There are groups of both girls and boys that work harder than others, however to say that it is a gender role isn't necessarily true.

    I find it more interesting that the sub had to say "I don't want this to sound sexist..."

  2. Happy (Second) Birthday To Murphy!!

  3. Thanks, Leisa! I'll pass that along :).
