Friday, January 4, 2013

Um, Like, You know...

After school Wednesday, I had to make a quick stop at a store at the Apache Mall.  Since the store was having a pretty big sale, it was busy, and the lines at the cashier were very long.  As I mentioned in previous students' blogs, I am a big fan of a people watching.  The way this store was set up, though, didn't give me that opportunity.  Instead, I was forced with having to listen to two girls having a conversation in line behind me.  Every other word was "like," "um," or "you know."  The one girl was venting that she only got a $50 dollar gift card to the store we were in.  Her friend was far too agreeable.  I'm not sure what these two girls were sharing was even a conversation.  I felt it more resembled a list of filler words.  I'm sure passing words back and forth helped them pass the time, but I would hardly consider what they had as a dialogue.

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