Friday, April 24, 2015

Sometimes it's tough...

Sometimes it's tough being a speech coach and past speech teacher. I feel like I am much harder on other public speakers, particularly adults. Although I found the advertisements and other visual aids helpful in illustrating nonverbal communication in Patrick's presentation today, I was incredibly distracted by the fact he continued to pace (step forward and backward) throughout the entire presentation.  I also struggled with the "uhs" and "ums," but after a while, I was able to ignore them. 
I know I'm guilty of moving around and using the occasional filler words too, but I find it so much easier to spot other people's use of them over my own. The same goes for proofreading; I am really good at proofreading other's work, but when it comes to proofreading my own, it's like my mind knows what is supposed to be there rather than what is there.  I guess it's a matter of perception in that case.  

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