Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Perpectives and perceptions vary...

Last  night my husband and I were watching at episode of Scrubs. It's one of our favorite TV series of all time, so we decided to start it over again from the beginning thanks to Hulu. Anyway, last night's episode was a great example of perception! One of the main characters, JD, has growing envy for another character, Dr. Murdoch, because JD feels Dr. M has it all together. That's his perception of for doctor at least. But as the episode continues, JD realizes that Dr. M is under a lot of stress and can't deal with failure or death. Dr. M has a breakdown and leaves the profession. This was incredibly unexpected since most of the hospital saw Dr. M as the best interning doctor there.  Our perceptions can cause us to be blind to things if we aren't mindfully aware of all the messages being sent.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a really good example of perception and I might start watching that show it sounds interesting
