Thursday, February 8, 2018

Self-fulfilling Prophecy being put to the test

I woke up this morning with the all-over aches, a sore throat, inability to "wake up," and I've been blowing my nose constantly.  I know that there is A LOT going around. I've been doing my best at washing my hands, getting my Vitamin C, and ALL THE THINGS. I have a lot going on right now, so getting sick just doesn't fit into the plans. I'm putting self-fulfilling prophecy to the test today. I keep chanting to my self that "I'm not getting sick. I'm not getting sick. I'll be fine. I'm not getting sick."  Here's hoping it works!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! I am going on vacation in two weeks and I am terrified of getting sick! So other than keeping up with vitamin C and washing my hands, I will have to remind myself that I cannot get sick and hope it works!!
