Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cardio Kick Boxing

One of my favorite things about Mondays is my Cardio Kick Boxing class.  Due to conferences and coronation, I haven't been able to for for a few weeks; I missed it! There were about five more people in the class than usual, which made the room a little tighter than usual.  The room has a wooden floor, and two of the four walls are made of mirrors.  The new members in the class were sending all kinds of nonverbal communication through their body movements and facial expressions.  You could tell when they were getting frustrated, exhausted, and ready to give up.  I tried to toss an encouraging smile when I could, but I was working pretty hard myself.  That class really makes me sweat, but I love the release it gives, too. 

Not my class, but similar.  Source: http://www.montclair.edu/web_gallery/data/original/Cardio_Kickboxing_15.JPG

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