Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ethics Survey Results

Today in class I posted an Ethics Survey to give students a chance to think about the words they use (or don't use) when their morals are being tested.  After the students were finished, it was requested that I complete the survey too, so I did.  Out of the 10 questions, I had 4 As and 6 Bs, so almost an even split.  This doesn't surprise me too much. When it comes to the people I care about, I will go for the A response every time so that I am doing what is in their best interests. When the consequences to my actions don't affect those who are close to me or a part of my daily life, then I gravitated toward the B responses.  I suspect that if I took this same ethics survey while in college, there would have been less A responses.  As a high school student, I would have most likely had one or two more A responses, or I would have had the same results as today.  How I can use this as a communicator is to simply think about the consequences to my words and actions before I respond to any situation; it's not easy, but it is important to successful communication. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it isn't easy to think before I say something. Usually, I do think about what I am going to say, but when I don't think before I speak, I get in to trouble in a communication situation. Hopefully, by being more aware I will become a better communicator.
