Friday, October 10, 2014

Power Talk!

Zac Delventhal came in and spoke to our class today about communication and effective listening.  There were a couple things he talked about that really stuck out to me.

1)  First, he talked about mimicking people to increase your likeability.  This is something I could have applied a few of nights ago at Parent/Teacher Conferences. I know that sometimes I get excited and start talking quickly; this could be really off-putting for a parent that goes at a slower pace in life or doesn't get excited about the same things I do.  In the future, I'll be more aware of how others present themselves verbally and nonverbally so I can mimic it to make the other person feel more comfortable.

2)  Zac also made a good point about smiles and how those smiles can make others feel more comfortable and even liked.  I can list a couple students in each class who are really good about smiling and nodding heads to assure me they are both listening and understanding.  If I feel that I'm losing the attention or focus of the class as a whole, I'll often go back to my smilers and head-nodders to see if they are still with me for reassurance.  A smile is a powerful thing.  Nonverbal signals that communicate effective listening are powerful, too.

So, that's what stood out to me from Zac's presentation. What stood out to you? 

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