Friday, October 24, 2014

Still confused on envy vs. jealousy?

This is a really tough topic.  For most of us, we've been using the word "jealous" incorrectly our WHOLE LIVES.  As a review, envy is wanting something you don't have.  You may envy someone's car, job, clothes, happiness, grade, etc.  Jealousy is an extreme and even aggressive or violent fear related to losing someone that you see as "yours."  You may became jealous of a significant other or friend if he/she suddenly starts spending more time with someone else or gives someone else more attention than you.  People may get emotionally charged and do something crazy when they are jealous (think of all the psycho exboyfriends or exgirlfriends in movies). That emotionally charged reaction doesn't happen with envy. 

Here's how another girl puts it:

1 comment:

  1. I have definitely been using the word jealous at the wrong times, but now that we have talked about it in class I feel that I have a better understanding of the differences between jealousy and envy and will be able to use them correctly.
