Thursday, February 12, 2015

Perception of Snape (Spoiler Alert)

As most of you know, I am a pretty big fan of the Harry Potter books and movies.  I would say I am a borderline fanatic at times.  With that in mind, I had my mind slightly blown earlier this week by this amazing YouTube video!  You see, the character Severus Snape is painted out to be a bad guy through most of the books/movies, but as you read/watch, there are little hints that maybe he isn't the character you first perceived him to be. Someone went to a lot of work to really highlight the amazing, layered character that is truly is; the point was to make sure you as a reader/viewer have an accurate perception of who Snape really was.  This video takes all of the hints and flashbacks presented to viewers in the Harry Potter movies and puts them in chronological order so you end up really understanding who Snape was rather than just jumping to conclusions based on the context of the original order of the clips.

It's a longer video, but oh-so-worth-it!

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