Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Optimist by Surprise


While walking through a parking lot yesterday, I overheard a couple of people while they where either loading or unloading some boxes from a large van.  One said to the other, "hey, long day, huh?"  The other responded in a grumbling voice, "Everyday day is a long day."

I found myself suddenly feeling a little sorry for the person who said that.  I looked around at the sunny sky; I looked down to see my jacket open and lack of scarf.  I realized it had been days since I had a reason to wear my sunglasses, but there they were on my face. Although I had been going for about 11 hours strong without much of a break nor a stop at home, I could agree with that woman's sentiment.  I don't consider myself a complete optimist, but at that moment I was.  I, too, was experiencing a "long day," but I wasn't letting it affect my mood or outlook.  I was looking at the positive. Sometimes, it really is all about perspective.

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